According to the Mohit Tandon (Chicago) – Actually, most of us would be unaware that by eating garlic, we can get rid of many diseases. Yes, there are many benefits of eating garlic when you eat garlic on an empty stomach after waking up in the morning. People usually add garlic as a spice to vegetables to enhance the vegetable’s flavor. Mohit Tandon from Chicago said that its consumption is not only the taste of vegetable but also very beneficial for health. Garlic contains vitamins B1, B6 and vitamin C and nutrients like calcium, manganese, copper which helps your body the strength to avoid any serious disease. Garlic is also beneficial for our heart as well as diabetes. Followings are the some health benefits for eating Garlic :

- Increase Immunity : Firstly, Peeling garlic and consuming it on an empty stomach in the morning strengthens our immunity power. Garlic protect us from all diseases like viral fever, dengue, malaria.
- Acidity control: Acidity problem is found in most of us. In people, this deficiency happens due to drinking less water, not eating food on time, staying empty stomach and eating more oily spices. Mohit Tandon (Chicago) advise you to wake up in the morning and eat one bud of garlic with water. It helps you to get relief from diseases like gas and constipation.
- Weight Loss: Thirdly, Consuming garlic reduces the fat inside you. Eat 1/2 bud of Garlic with water helps to slim your body shape.
- Glow on face: Add Garlic in your diet helps to reduce stains, spots, wrinkles, pimples on your face . It helps in bringing glow on your face. Due to which your skin becomes very soft and flexible.
- Control your Blood pressure: Garlic is very beneficial for people suffering from blood pressure. Mohit Tandon tell that the patient of blood pressure should eat one clove of garlic in a glass of warm water every morning . It helps your blood pressure remains under control.
- Reduced Risk of Cancer: Garlic has been used globally in numerous ways. According to the World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research, garlic consumption has a potentially favorable effect against CRC. Some evidence has suggested that garlic consumption can lower CRC risk.
- Improves Brain Functioning: Lastly, Garlic promotes brain health because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.